FFA Members Attend COLT

On September 25, 2024, the Buckingham Senior and Buckingham Middle FFA Chapters members went to Dinwiddie High School to participate in the Southeast Area Chapter Officer Leadership Training Conference. Officers that represented Buckingham Senior Chapter were Piper Scialdo, Micah Clark-Reed, and Anna Snoddy. Middle school members that attended were Luther Llewellyn, Jackson Harris, Bryan Haldane, Lilah Glenn, Joanna Carter, Kaylee Staton, Callyn Murphy & Alaina Paige. C.O.L.T. is a leadership workshop to influence FFA officers to show leadership skills in their communities, school systems, and Career Development Events. During the conference, the members met the Virginia FFA State Officers and surrounding FFA chapter officers to discuss future FFA events. The FFA is the largest student organization in the United States, and its mission is to promote personal growth, premier leadership, and career success. 

Photo l to r: 

Front row: Anna Snoddy, Joanna Carter, Bryan Haldane

Back row:  Luther Llewellyn, Piper Scialdo, Micah Clark-Reed, Alaina Page, Callyn Murphy, Lilah Glenn, Jackson Harris, Kaylee Staten