Due to the Academic All-Stars taking place tonight at 6:00 p.m., all other after-school academic programming is cancelled. All sports activities will continue as normal.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
Congratulations to the following Lady Knights for making the All-JRD Volleyball Teams : First Team -------------- Maddie Motley - OH Sadie Mullins - Setter Second Team ------------------ Kaleigh Haines - OH Elly Abruzzo - MH Rylynn Morris - Libero The Lady Knights finished their season last week at Riverheads in the Region 2B Quarter-Finals.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
The Buckingham County School Board will hold its November meeting on November 9th at 3:00 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Buckingham County Middle School. This change is to accommodate the Academic All-Stars event occurring on Wednesday, November 8th.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
Congratulations to our BCHS Knights as they dominated the James River District Football Teams. Special congratulations to Avery Schaffer for being named Defensive Player of the Year and Head Coach Seth Wilkerson was named Coach of the Year! Below are the First and Second Team players from Buckingham. First Team Offensive First Team Defense --------------------------- -------------------------- Kordonte Williams - Lineman Kordonte Williams - Lineman Jaden Maxey - Running Back Emmerson Edwards - Def. End Jerrod Gaines - Receiver Avery Schaffer - Linebacker Emmerson Edwards - Tight End Zahir Chambers - Def. Back Tanner Davis - Place Kicker Nasir Sims - Def. Back Tanner Davis - Punter Rayon Richardson - All Purpose Second Team Offense Second Team Defense ------------------------------ ------------------------------- Zahir Chambers - Quarterback Maurice Tyree - Lineman Ethan Martin - Lineman Demorris Eubanks - Linebacker 🏈 🏈 Defensive Player of the Year - Avery Schaffer 🏈 🏈 🏈 🏈 Coach of the Year - Seth Wilkerson 🏈 🏈 The Knights will host Clarke County - Friday - Nov. 10th at 7:00 pm - SEE YOU THERE!!
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
This week, Buckingham County Public Schools celebrates National School Psychology Week. We are blessed to have our school psychologist, Mrs. Acevedo, lend her expertise by serving on countless committees, leading our division Mental Health team, and working with students, staff, and families to meet the unique needs of all of our learners. Mrs. Acevedo's passion for her field and dedication to our division make our schools a better place to work and learn. We are so proud she's a Knight!
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
Kelly Acevedo
This is a reminder that the Academic All-Stars will take place next Wednesday, November 8th at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school gym. This event is by invitation only; each school sent out invitations previously. Please arrive early so students can get in order for their entrance. We look forward to seeing you then!
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
academic all-stars
Buckingham County Public Schools will observe an early dismissal for students and staff at 12:30 p.m. on November 7, 2023, for election day.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
election day
We invite all of our veterans to join us for a drive through celebration as a thank you for your service. Veterans are asked to assemble at the Buckingham County High School at 1:15 PM. From there, the drive through will proceed to the preschool, middle school, and the Carter G. Woodson complex.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
veterans day parade
Sam Goin, Assistant Manager of the Famer’s Cooperative of Farmville, visited the Buckingham FFA Chapter on October 24th, 2023 to present a check for $1300. $800 of the balance was donated from the Farmer’s Cooperative and the remaining $500 from Cargill. Amiah Porter, Buckingham Sr. FFA Vice-President, accepted the donation on behalf of the chapter. This donation will go towards supporting members so they will be able to participate in leadership and career development events. In addition to the monetary donation, Mr. Goin and other members of the Farmer’s Cooperative have assisted FFA members with their applications to attend the Virginia Institute for Cooperative Education Camp. The Buckingham FFA Chapter would like to thank the Farmer’s Cooperative for their continued support of the FFA.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
FFA Receives Donation
The Girls Cross Country Team won the James River District Championship. This is the second straight year. The following team members were named to the All-District Team: Rylynn Morris, Caroline Browning, Paulette Battle, Logan Ragland, Lindsey Tobias, and Adele Sayer. Sgt. Bruce Grazier was named the JRD Coach of the Year. The Boys Cross Country Team finished as the JRD Runner-Ups. The following team members from the boy's team were named to the All-District Team: Alex Boyles, Jacson Clough, and Ben Dorrier. Both teams will advance to the Region 2B Championships on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at Luray High School at 3:30 PM.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
Girls Cross Country Team
Sgt. Bruce Grazier
The clubs of BCHS will be hosting the annual Trunk or Treat at Buckingham County High School for the children of Buckingham & the surrounding counties. October 31, 2023 4-6pm BCHS Bus Loop Come & bring your children (12 and under) in costume for a treat. In case of rain, the event will be moved into the cafeteria.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
BCHS Trunk or Treat
Buckingham County Lady Knights (JV & Varsity Teams) celebrated “Play For A Cure” Monday night vs. Nottoway County as they raised money for a local resident going through cancer treatments. The night was a success as the Lady Knights won both contests and helped a local cancer patient.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
play for a cure
Buckingham County Public Schools Participates in the ALL IN VA Initiative to Improve Attendance, Literacy, and Learning in Virginia https://docs.google.com/document/d/1osZMwVwUYJ-i0fIKYTiwvWf9w1YgN6zK4TKgocXumtg/edit?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
ALL IN VA Initiative
Congratulations to our October Employee of the Month, Patrick Moore!
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
October Employee of the Month Patrick Moore
Congratulations to our October Senior of the Month, Kimora Johnson!
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
October Senior of the Month Kimora Johnson
Join the Lady Knights as we recognize the warriors who fight various cancers, celebrate the survivors, honor those who love and care for them, and remember the ones who have lost the battle. All donations made that night at our table will be distributed within our community. Don't forget to make a donation to win one of two prizes! Every $1 gets you one chance to win! Cancer Awareness Night Volleyball Game BCHS Lady Knights vs Nottoway Lady Cougars Monday, October 16, 2023 Buckingham County High School Gym 5:30/7:00 PM
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
play for a cure flyer
Come out on October 14, 2023, to support Buckingham County High School Raider JROTC. Scottsville VFW will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner at the Scottville VFW Post (8169 2977 W. River Rd Scottsville Va 24590) from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. The price of the dinner is a donation to JROTC.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
spaghetti dinner for JROTC flyer
In accordance with school board policy I[AA-TEXTBOOK SELECTION, ADOPTION, AND PURCHASE and the Virginia Literacy Act, Buckingham County Public School District is currently examining materials for adoption to be used in K-5 language arts classes. Literacy committees reviewed materials and determined two approved K-3 series and two preliminary approved 4-5 series met the state pillars of literacy standards: Amplify Education, Inc. Core Knowledge Language Arts, 2e (2022) K-5 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Benchmark Advance (2022) K-5. Both texts will be available for review at Buckingham Elementary School on October 10th and 12th from 5:00 - 6:00 PM. There is a sign up online and included at the bottom of this message. Please bring your picture identification for school check-in. Teachers, parents, and members of the public are welcome to review the materials being evaluated. Written evaluation forms will be available. This feedback will aid the team in its final recommendation of selected K-5 material to the Buckingham County School Board during its November meeting. As a reminder, the state board of education has the authority to approve textbooks and other instructional materials used in the state. Local school boards enter into written contracts with publishers whose textbooks have been approved by the board. The price of a textbook sold in Virginia is not to exceed the lowest price the same textbook is sold at in any other part of the United States (VA. CODE ANN. § 22.1-241). If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Kristin Janssen, Director of Instruction at 434. 969.6100 or kjanssen@bcpschools.org. Sign up Form: https://forms.gle/oG7QdNcPnoJthJ3a6 If you are unable to attend the additional night options for the Language Arts textbook review, please view these online materials of the textbooks and direct any feedback on the attached review forms (Amplify: https://forms.gle/6tFuBMEBT7N4f3XH6, Benchmark:https://forms.gle/QnG4fBc951cjEKnv7) or to Kristin Janssen, Director of Instruction, at kjanssen@bcpschools.org. Amplify https://amplify.com/caregiver-hub/amplify-ckla/ Benchmark Benchmark Advance Landing Page (https://www.benchmarkeducation.com/benchmark-advance-adelante#about), where a Program Overview video can be found. Virtual Samplers (https://goto.benchmarkeducation.com/acton/fs/blocks/showLandingPage/a/34723/p/p-0441/t/page/fm/0) are available for each grade level, as well, and include samples of the Student Consumable Books, Weekly & Unit Assessments, and a peek into a Teacher Resource System. Evening Option Sign up Form: https://forms.gle/oG7QdNcPnoJthJ3a6
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
textbook adoption
Buckingham County Public Schools will be closed on Monday, October 9, 2023, in observance of Columbus Day.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
school closing getty images
If you are unable to attend the additional night options for the Language Arts textbook review, please view these online materials of the textbooks and direct any feedback to Kristin Janssen, Director of Instruction, at kjanssen@bcpschools.org. Amplify https://amplify.com/caregiver-hub/amplify-ckla/ Benchmark Benchmark Advance Landing Page (https://www.benchmarkeducation.com/benchmark-advance-adelante#about), where a Program Overview video can be found. Virtual Samplers (https://goto.benchmarkeducation.com/acton/fs/blocks/showLandingPage/a/34723/p/p-0441/t/page/fm/0) are available for each grade level, as well, and include samples of the Student Consumable Books, Weekly & Unit Assessments, and a peek into a Teacher Resource System.
over 1 year ago, Buckingham County Public Schools
textbook adoption